Small-biz tech advice: How to make more money

I’ve run a broadcast business for over 25 years. I joke I’m an overnight success, but the truth is it took a long time to get here. In the beginning, it was like any new small biz, shoved into a small, crappy workspace with bills piling up.

Whether you already run a small business or you’re thinking about starting one, I can help. By popular demand, I’m launching a small-business edition of this newsletter, packed with tech tips, smart strategies and insider tricks to help you grow and make money.

Hit this link to get on the list so you don’t miss issue No. 1 when it drops.

Now, let’s dive into some must-know tips for every business owner.

How to get your business and website listed in AI answers

This one is all over my inbox. The funny thing is your website and online search reputation are the big drivers to getting your company and your content to display in AI results. Yep, AI is fed by the thing it is killing. A few pro tips:

Keep your website fresh. AI is looking for clear, helpful content about your products, services or whatever. The algorithms value reliable sources, so make sure your “About” page boasts all about your qualifications and your FAQ page answers common questions.

Use natural language. Chatbots are trained to prioritize real-world phrasing. Write how you’d talk to a customer.

Ask your loyal customers to pitch in. AI looks for signs people are talking about you. Reviews get the most weight, then social media comments and mentions, too.

Write better CTAs: That’s a call to action, and no matter what you do or sell, yours should be clear, compelling and action-oriented. Skip “Click here” and try something that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. Instead of “Sign up,” try “Get your free guide.” Instead of “Learn more,” play with something like “See how it works.” Struggling? Paste your CTAs into a chatbot and ask it for help making them more clickable.

“Where am I leaving money on the table?” Ask ChatGPT. Never feed in your finances or exact reporting, but you can tell it about your company, what you do and how you make your money, and see if it has any bright ideas to get revenues up.

📈 Cheaper, more effective Facebook ads: Use engagement custom audiences to target people who’ve already interacted with your content, like someone who’s liked one of your posts or watched a video. This cuts the cost of getting a qualified lead. Love that! To get started, go to Ads Manager > Audiences > Create a custom audience.

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Data brokers are cashing in, but you can stop them

Everyone wants your Social Security number. Some requests are legit, like when you’re starting a new job, applying for a loan or verifying your identity.

But countless others, from data brokers to scammers, are after your nine-digit code, too. In fact, an estimated 2,400 data brokers operate in the U.S., collecting and selling billions of personal records, often without your knowledge. Some even offer “credit header data,” which includes Social Security numbers, for as little as $5 per record.

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⌨️ Shortcut bonanza because I know you love ‘em: On Windows, hit Windows key + L to lock your screen, Windows key + E to open File Explorer and Windows key + M to minimize all apps. The Mac equivalents: Cmd + Control + Q to lock your screen, Cmd + spacebar to open Spotlight Search and Cmd + Option + M to minimize your windows.

Got a side hustle? Watch out for this tax change

Every morning, I sit down with my amazing executive producer, Madi, to plan what tech tidbits I’m going to bring you in my national radio shows, podcasts and this newsletter. Today, she came in with a doozy.

Her boyfriend got an email from the IRS with a tax form he wasn’t expecting. Last year, he made about $20,000 on eBay selling comics, some bikes and a few other things. Like most folks getting a 1099‑K for the first time, he has no idea just how much he’ll owe yet.

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Hey! You look good

Ever wonder why some people just seem to glow with health? No, it’s not a filter or some secret Hollywood lighting trick. (OK, for some people it is.) But for the lucky ones, it’s what’s happening inside their body. And one of the biggest factors? Collagen.

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“Kim, how is EndpointLock different from a VPN?” A VPN encrypts your internet connection and hides your web activity. EndpointLock encrypts your keystrokes so no one can copy what you type. It’s a must for me. Hit this link for 10% off.

It’s not just apps on your phone: Websites ask for permissions, too, and you may have granted access to your webcam and microphone. To check in Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox, click the icon to the left of the address bar, near the refresh button. For Safari on a Mac, click the Safari menu > Settings for … Voila.

😵‍💫 Overwhelmed? AI can help when you have no idea where to start on a big project. Here’s a prompt to get you thinking: “I have a 50th birthday party to organize, and it’s happening in two months. I need to find a venue for 75 people and cater the event. What tasks do I need to do, and how should I organize my time?”

The coast is clear: If you were waiting while Apple ironed out the bugs, it’s now safe to download the new iPhone update, iOS 18.3. Reader Cara T., who just asked, there you go!

Get paid to blab: Don’t Google “paid surveys,” or you’ll end up on junk sites. User Interviews is legit. You may have to apply for several before you get approved, but they pay well. A Komando staffer made $40 for a 10-minute call. The downside? They pay in gift cards. At least Amazon and Visa are both options.

💡 Technical difficulties: Some of you couldn’t access my free e-book, “50 Smart Ways to Use AI.” We hit the server with a wrench and all is well now! Pro tip: If you’re still getting a 404 error, try in a different browser or an Incognito mode tab.

TikTok is addictive for a reason: It’s the algorithm, but the format helps, too. If you want something a little smarter than mindrot videos, try WikiTok. It’s a visual way to browse random articles. Hey, that’s how I just learned there’s an Amsterdam, New Jersey.

Hearing loss happens in phases: With mild hearing loss, whispers and soft sounds fade away. Busy places like restaurants make keeping up with conversations tough. When it progresses to moderate, subtle sounds like ticking clocks or birds are hard to hear. With moderately severe, voices sound muffled. If you or someone you love is dealing with anything beyond mild hearing loss, let me introduce you to the Horizon IX hearing aids.

Have an iPhone? Store for-your-eyes-only pics in the Notes app. Open the pic in the Photos app, tap the share icon and select Notes. Open the note you want to protect, tap the three-dot icon in the upper right, then choose Lock.

👁️📢 No snooping: If you have sensitive pics like your driver’s license on your phone, set up a locked folder in Google Photos. Open the Google Photos app > Utilities > Set up Locked Folder. Follow the on-screen directions to finish up.

“Make me a template”: Try this with your AI chatbot of choice. I use ChatGPT. Instead of starting a report, spreadsheet or agenda from scratch, ask AI to create a template you can use again and again. Bonus: Your boss will think you have it all together when your monthly report always comes in a nice, tidy package.

📚 Turn “da-da” into data: Get your kiddo ready for the future (and AI) with these 30 free STEM resources. The list includes apps, games and classes to teach youngsters stuff like coding, aeronautics, mathematics and, yes, data science. You could have the next little Elon.

I’ve tried so many password managers over the years: I did a deep dive to find the best option on the market right now. My thoroughly tested recommendation and pick, NordPass, uses military-grade encryption. Store all your logins in one safe spot and access them on any device. Hit my special link for 52% off.

⚒️ Sharpest tool: Find the Tools menu in Google Docs quickly. On a PC, just hit Alt + T in Google Chrome or Alt + Shift + T in other browsers. For Mac folks, it’s Ctrl + Option + T in any browser. Skip the mouse and get right to it.

See if your genius idea already exists: Google Patents has the full text of more than 120 million patents from around the world. Weird patent of the day: A combination toy dog and vacuum cleaner. Ahem, it blows hot air out the tail end.