The classic puzzle game Minesweeper is now on Netflix. This colorful, reimagined version features an ocean-like setting where you find underwater mines in locations around the world. No in-game ads, no in-app purchases and no extra cost to play.
Brainteaser: How many animals can you spot?

The internet is abuzz yet again with a puzzling brainteaser that’s captured the attention of many. This enigmatic image presents many hidden animals within an intricate optical illusion, sparking debates and intrigue among social media users.
Among the creatures concealed within this mind-bending puzzle, an elephant stands prominently, easily discernible to most people. However, the challenge intensifies as one delves deeper into the image, uncovering elusive animals that evade the sight of many.
How many animals do you see?
The real question that looms large is: How many cunningly concealed animals can you spot within this bewildering illusion? Dive into the visual maze and test your perception!

Source: Daily Mail
It has sparked a whirlwind of arguments online, with some wanting to include creatures that remain invisible to others’ eyes.
Look below to see how many animals are actually in the image

Upon meticulous scrutiny, the intricate picture reveals a surprising assembly of animals, including an elephant, a donkey, a dog, a cat, a rat, a snake, a dolphin, a turtle and even a fish.
One user boldly laid out their findings in a comprehensive diagram encompassing a staggering 16 creatures. Yet, a hint of skepticism lingers, casting a shadow over some interpretations.
A few people seem tentative, with guesses containing a shrimp, a swordfish and a snake that resembles nothing more than the elongated tail of the prominent elephant.
Can you beat this really hard Wordle clone?

Wordle diehards, be warned: there’s a new sheriff in town from one of the biggest names in word-smithing and literary tomfoolery. If you’ve been waiting for something new to satisfy your puzzle kick, Merriam-Webster’s latest acquisition is here to serve. And serve, it does.
Blast from the past
Valentine’s Day picks for your lady
Don’t know what to get her? Pick one or two off this list for the win! Thank me later.
- Mini waffle maker that’s good for hash browns, too
- Rechargeable reading light for the late-night reader (29% off!)
- Airtight coffee canister for a better morning cuppa joe
- Scratch-off world map so she can mark her travels
- Popcorn popper to make movie night feel nostalgic
- Lazy Susan rotating puzzle board for fun
- Super-soft pajamas in tons of colors and sizes (30% off)
We may receive a commission when you buy through our links, but our reporting and recommendations are always independent and objective.
You sweep me off my feet: The classic puzzle game Minesweeper is now on Netflix. This colorful, reimagined version features an ocean-like setting where you find underwater mines in locations around the world. No in-game ads, no in-app purchases and no extra cost to play. Check out the trailer here.
50 years ago
Ernö Rubik invented the “Magic Cube.” Today, some 500 million sales later, the Hungarian professor says he never expected the Rubik’s Cube to become a classic puzzle. The world record for solving it by a “speed cuber?” 3.13 seconds. No, it wasn’t me.
Brainteaser: Can you find the hidden parrot in 5 seconds?

An animal’s ability to blend into its surroundings can save its life — or make its owners laugh. Sometimes, an animal lover will take a picture of a hiding pet that looks like an impossible brainteaser.
Case in point: You can only find this hidden owl if you have 20/20 vision. If you think hidden picture puzzle games are a hoot, maybe you can help a Reddit user find their pet parrot. They shared a picture of their pet and said, “I lost my lovebird in this pile of mangoes!” Maybe you can help them out.
What do you see first? This optical illusion reveals if you're easy to fool

Optical illusions, riddles and puzzles can go a long way to helping you maintain focus. You can train your brain anytime and anywhere, and it doesn’t take much time. Some of the most popular optical illusions can be solved in less than a minute.
Can you solve this time-travel riddle?
Time travel is one Hollywood tool that can make your head hurt. Wait, what year is it? Is that the same guy from that other timeline? It can be so confusing. If you can keep up with some of those cinematic twists and turns, you may have what it takes to solve this puzzle.
1,000 Wordle puzzles
Now available to New York Times Games subscribers. I like the comradery of everyone doing the same puzzle each day, but it’s also fun to catch up on older Wordles if you missed them! Pro tip: My favorite opening word is “stare.”
Move over, New York Times: LinkedIn added puzzle games to its app and desktop site. You can pick from three options: Pinpoint (word association), Crossclimb (trivia and wordplay) and Queens (sudoku without the numbers). Give ‘em a whirl — they’re free.
Am I a robot? CAPTCHA tests are getting tougher. Gone are the good ol’ days of scrambled letters and clicking crosswalks. Now, companies are outsmarting bots by making you move a puzzle piece or pick out the “nonaquatic animal.” Bots can’t do that, yet.
Work hard, play hard: LinkedIn’s mixing business with pleasure with their new puzzle games. The angle? Play online games with your connections and contacts. Seems more like a recipe for distraction, but go ahead, dunk on your work frenemy.
Optical illusion: Can you spot the elephant in this cartoon?

We all know about the elephant in the room, but can you spot the elephant in this cartoon? Optical illusions are a great way to test your observational skills, and often they can reveal aspects about your personality that you didn’t know. Tap or click here to see if you can find the curved line.
Tired of Wordle? Try this years-old puzzle game

Wordle took the world by storm a few months ago. It seemed everyone was playing and couldn’t get enough of the online game sensation. Tap or click here for some Wordle pro tips.
But as with everything, people lose interest quickly. That’s why it’s time to find a new game. Don’t worry. We’ve found one that’s been around for years but has been under the radar.
What this word puzzle reveals about your personality - Try it out

We’ve always been fascinated with deciphering how we think, whether our birth month influences our future or if we have any hidden personality traits. There are plenty of tests that you can take online to figure that out, or you can click here to see how personality tests really work.
What do you see in this optical illusion? The answer says a lot about you

Most people love a good optical illusion, visual puzzle or something that makes you stare intently at a blurry image until a 3D picture emerges. Some people can find it hard to see the correct image, indicating how their brains work.
Bored with Wordle? Here's how to make your own custom puzzle games

Wordle swept the nation with its cryptic five-letter word of the day game. The game isn’t fancy either. It’s plain and user-friendly. Which is one reason so many people fell in love with the game. Love Wordle? Tap or click here for pro tips to guess the right word every day.
Stocking stuffers and small presents worth adding to your cart

You know what you’re getting the family for their big holiday gifts, but what are you going to do about all those stocking stuffers?
While some might rely on the old fallbacks — gift cards for favorite fast-food restaurants and small trinkets — you’re ready for something a little more exciting.
The best puzzles and toys to get your dog's mind working

Dogs love their humans unconditionally. You can see it in their eyes as they gaze up at you and in the excited wag of their tails. Since the average lifespan of your furry friend is only about a decade, don’t you owe them the best life has to offer?