10 tech freebies to grab now: Software, phone service, logos and more

There’s never a dull moment when you own your own business. You don’t report to anyone but are on the hook for all the big decisions. You have complete control over what you spend your money on, but the bills never stop coming. Tap or click for small business tips that will save you money.
We know how tough it is for small businesses, no matter what you do. That’s why we like gathering reliable resources. It’s even better when they don’t cost you a thing.
Keep reading for 10 freebies you should take advantage of now.
1. Office software
Microsoft Office is pricey. You don’t need to pay for it if you know about this free alternative: LibreOffice. It’s a free, open-source office suite compatible with Microsoft Office files. Since it’s open-source software, the program is continually updated at no charge.
LibreOffice offers six programs that will feel instantly familiar if you’ve used Office before. Writer, Calc and Impress are equivalent to Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. They have most of the same features. You might need to poke around to find some of them.
Even better, LibreOffice can open and edit the documents you made in Office and save new files in Office formats. Download Libre Office here.
2. Accounting software upgrade
Are you fed up with QuickBooks? You’re not alone. Kim constantly hears from listeners looking for a better way to get their accounting done. That’s where our sponsor NetSuite comes in. It’s the world’s No. 1 cloud business system for a good reason.
If you’re bogged down in spreadsheets stored locally on your computer, you’ll love that you can access all your data in one place whenever you want.
The software isn’t free, but you can check it out at no cost and see if it’s right for you. And every small business owner knows the right software can save you a ton of time, which equals money.
To see it in action, head to Netsuite.com/kim and get a free product tour.
Revive your old PC or Mac with this free download

Many computer users feel the need to keep their devices up to date with the latest hardware. After all, if you don’t have the latest components or accessories, your laptop or desktop computer might not be compatible. Tap or click here for seven laptop maintenance steps you should do regularly to keep yours happy.
9 free software copycats that work better than the real expensive programs

There are more features and tricks hiding in your Mac or PC than most people will ever know. You can do even more if you know the right software to download.
If you’re relying on your computer’s built-in spell check to catch all your grammar mistakes, for example, it’s time to upgrade. Here are five stellar options to make you sound smarter.
11 best Zoom tricks you’ll wish you knew sooner

Zoom became the reigning champion of communication during the pandemic. While many people are back to work in their offices, some jobs have changed forever and turned into permanently being remote.
Even as popular as it’s been, there has been a slew of security issues with Zoom. Don’t think for a moment this does not apply to you. Tap or click here for four essential Zoom security settings you should set now.