Take me back: Windows 11 places the Start button and taskbar icons in the center of the screen by default, but you can move them back to the left. Go to Settings > Personalization > Taskbar > Taskbar behaviors. From there, switch the Taskbar alignment to Left.
Hidden features to try now on your Windows PC or Mac

I’m often asked if the latest Mac or Windows update is ready for prime time. Unfortunately, most of us have dealt with enough buggy software that we’re hesitant to hit “install” on a significant upgrade.
If you haven’t jumped up to macOS Monterey or Windows 11, I can safely say it’s time. Before you update, take one important step and make sure you have enough space for it. Tap or click here to see how much storage is available on your computer.
Updates don’t just bring new features. They protect your machine from known exploits and security issues, too. Tap or click here for five more smart ways to get your digital life in order.
Once your machine is updated, let’s jump into a few new tricks to try out.
Windows: Realign the Start button back to the left
With Windows 11, the Start button is centered in the taskbar, which may throw you off if you’ve been using Windows for years. Moving it back to the left is easy:
- Press the Windows Key + I to open the Settings app.
- Choose Personalization and Taskbar.
- Select Taskbar behaviors, then click Left under Taskbar alignment.
Mac: Copy and paste text from a photo
This feature is seriously cool. Say there’s an image with an email address. You can add it to your contacts list, send out an email, or even start a FaceTime call. This trick also works for website addresses within images. You can open a link on your browser or use Quick Look to see the site’s information.
To try it out, open an image with text in the Preview app on your Mac.
- Hover your pointer over the text. Then, drag to select it. From here, you can copy, translate, look up the meaning, search the web, or share the text.
Windows: Customize quick settings
6 ways to simplify using Windows 11

Windows 11 launched last October as a free upgrade for eligible users with rollouts continuing into this year. People with newer machines had priority but there were ways to skip ahead in the line. The transition from Windows 10 to 11 hasn’t exactly been seamless, from hardware requirements to various bugs.
Can’t find the Start menu after the latest Windows update? You’re not alone

Microsoft’s Windows 11 might be the company’s latest operating system, but some users aren’t sure if it’s the greatest. Since its launch late last year, it has been plagued with flaws and vulnerabilities. Tap or click here for why your Windows 11 PC could be suffering from a nasty slowdown bug.