Your phone’s dirty little secret

True or false: If your phone’s got all four reception bars lit up and it’s displaying the 5G symbol, you’ve got A+ service.

The answer? False. When you see “5G,” all it means is there are 5G connections nearby. Whether you’re on that network is another story. I know, eye roll. Cell service bars don’t mean much, either.

So, should we stop waving our phones in the air to try to get a better connection? I’ve got the inside scoop.

The 5G hype

The Washington Post just wrote a great piece about the 5G indicator on your phone. Even when you see 5G, you might really be connected to 4G or LTE. Yes, your phone will still work perfectly fine.

When you start doing something more intensive on your phone, though, like making a video call or playing an online game, your wireless network may automatically switch you to 5G for a better experience.

How do you know you’re really on 5G? Look for the letters next to the 5G icon. On Verizon, 5G UW means you’re likely connected to a 5G network. On T-Mobile, it’ll show up as 5G UC. AT&T displays 5G E, but that just means you’re close to a network.

Even the alphabet soup doesn’t guarantee your connection is supercharged.


If walking around looking for reception bars isn’t the solution, what is? Some of the ol’ free standbys still work.

  • Keep your phone’s Wi-Fi calling option on. This way, you’ll switch over to known, saved internet networks (like work and home) automatically for calls, if they’re within range. On an iPhone, open Settings, then scroll and tap Cellular > Wi-Fi Calling. Toggle on the button next to Wi-Fi Calling. On an Android, open the Phone app, then tap More (or the three-dot icon) to open the menu. Tap Settings and select Wi-Fi calling. If you don’t see the option, your carrier may not support it, or the steps may vary on your phone.
  • Look around. Some building materials can function like a faraday cage, killing your connection. If you’re inside, get closer to a window or go outside. Go upstairs if you’re on a lower level.
  • Try a cellphone tower search site. CellMapper is easy to use and has a ton of filtering options. Set your country, provider and network speed, then enter your address in the Location Search field. Hit Enter and you’ll see the closest cell towers.

By the way, you may notice you get better cell service in the winter, when all the trees are bare. I know, you can’t make the leaves fall, but this is good to know!

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