⭐️ Good news: Science Corporation’s new eye implant is bringing sight to the blind. Here’s how it works: A tiny 2mm chip sits under the retina while special glasses equipped with a camera capture what’s ahead. The camera sends infrared light to the chip, which translates it into signals the brain can understand. Patients can’t see full color or detail yet, but they can already recognize shapes and patterns. Amazing.
60M records exposed: Fitbit, Apple, Google health info leaked in massive data breach
Whether you are a professional athlete, casual runner or enjoy tracking your fitness level, you need an app to record progress. There are many of these apps available, and some smartphones come pre-installed with them. Tap or click here for five health apps you never knew existed.
These are great for keeping tabs on your exercise routine, food intake or how many calories you burn. Most like to keep those details private, but security researchers recently found a massive stash of fitness records exposed through a non-password-protected database.
Upon further investigation, it turns out that the database belongs to New York City-based company GetHealth. As part of its worldwide services, it stores information from fitness wearables, medical devices and apps. Keep reading to find out what data was exposed and if yours is at risk.
Here’s the backstory
The massive breach spans almost 17GB worth of data, all stored in a plain text file that required no password to access. According to Website Planet, the healthcare sector experiences more data breaches than any other industry. The exposed data of this leak includes information from apps like:
- Fitbit
- GoogleFit
- MapMyFitness
- Microsoft
- Sony Lifelog
- Strava
- Apple HealthKit
- Android Sensor
- S Health
Most of these apps collect data that includes your fitness level, heart rate, profile details, weight and tracking of where you run or stay active. But while those data points don’t seem too bad, other exposed information includes:
- GetHealth ID
- First and last name
- Display names
- Gender
- Birthday
- Time zone
- What fitness device you are using
Protecting your data
The database has since been secured, but that doesn’t mean the information didn’t already fall into the hands of bad actors. It’s unknown how long the data was exposed or if it made its way onto the Dark Web or black market.
There are ways that you can see if your information has been exposed. Not just for this breach but any previous hack. You can put your email address into the online tool HaveIBeenPwned and see if the information was compromised. Tap or click here for more details on the tool.
If you have been affected by this breach, you need to be aware of a couple of things. Scammers can use the data for nefarious things like identity theft and more. So be on the lookout for phishing emails and follow these precautions:
Don't use a new iPhone if you have this health condition
The new iPhone 12 launched only a few months ago, and it’s already made a pretty big splash with Apple fans. The new flagship phone offers a ton of upgraded features, including 5G technology, making it a popular smartphone choice.
💖 IRL Tony Stark: A 35-year-old man just became the second person with a titanium heart transplant. With severe heart failure and fluid in his lungs, doctors used a magnet-powered artificial heart as a last resort. The result? Normal circulation, blood flow and blood pressure. The only downside is he says it feels a little “heavier.” This is one great way to deal with organ shortage.