✌️ Gestures, activate: You can control a Google Nest Hub via gestures — useful if your hands are covered in soap or flour. To enable it, open the Google Home app > tap the gear icon (top right) > tap Quick Gestures on the hub page.
This hidden trick will make it easier to use your Android phone

When controlling your Android phone, gestures will always be paramount. You can operate your OS and get more done faster through these simple commands.
Our favorite Android tips and tricks all have a lot in common. We love simple gestures that allow us to make quick decisions or get from one app or utility to another in record time. Tap or click here for more of our best tips for Android.
Read on for five of our favorite gestures on any updated Android smartphone. NOTE: Some of these steps work only on Android 10 and up.
1. Swipe either way
Android’s back gesture is usually performed from left to right. Power users know you can also complete the same swipe from right to left.
This parallel makes it one of the most accessible swipes we know. Either way results in literally the same command. Perfect for the southpaws among us or just anybody hoping to swipe and forget about it.
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2. Swipe into Overview
Overview lets you check out all of your recently-used apps simultaneously with one simple gesture. From here, you can hop between any of them with incredible ease.
To activate Overview, swipe up from the bottom of your Android display. After doing so, you should see a directory of everything installed on your smartphone. Switching between apps is as easy as tapping into what you need.
3. Get home from Overview
If you tap the blank area outside of any app’s card, you’ll be immediately redirected to the home screen instead of another app.
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7 new Android 12 features to simplify your day to day

The release of a new operating system is a big deal for mobile developers. This plays a big part in their competition against each other as each tries to retain their users while enticing others to hop the fence.
Android 12 launched last month for Google Pixel phones, while Samsung, Xiaomi OnePlus and other phones that run Android will get the update in the coming months.
How to control your Android phone with just your eyes

As you age, your senses get duller. Go to any drug store in the country and you’ll find a rack of cheap reading glasses. It’s a part of life that our vision is among the first senses to go, but fortunately, there are ways to mitigate this.
Nifty way to wake your phone: With Samsung’s “Lift to wake” feature, all you have to do is pick up your phone or take it out of your pocket and the screen turns on. Open Settings, tap Advanced features > Motions and gestures. Tap the switch next to Lift to wake to enable it. Magic!
This life-changing app gives a voice to those who can't speak

We have so many comforts in our life, from microwaves to cars to air conditioning, that we forget how difficult life can be if we can’t take advantage of the world around us. Tap or click here for 15 tech tricks you’ll wish you knew sooner.
Make your video calls better with this comic book add-on

If you’re like many of us, your average workday has been chock full of cameras and screens. We’re talking, of course, about Zoom — the video conferencing service used by companies everywhere.
Zoom and similar video chat services have helped businesses keep their operations running smoothly during the COVID-19 pandemic. And since so many people are using it, a new industry has emerged for Zoom add-ons and extras. Tap or click here to see some of our favorite Zoom add-ons.
Turn your tablet into a second monitor

Do you remember that old expression, “If I could only be in two places at once?” The idea is that you would be twice as productive if there were two of you.
If there were, you’d be able to drop the kids off at school while running an important meeting at work. You could take care of your aging parents while, at the same time, do chores like the laundry at home. Tap or click here for free productivity tools that can help.