Caregiving is rewarding, but can have its challenges. Here’s one device that can help.
7 clever uses for your smart doorbell camera

Smart doorbell cameras add a ton of value to your life. Not only do they make you feel more secure in your home, but they can deter criminals, too. If you let a burglar know you’re watching them, they may be too spooked to try anything.
Plus, you can watch over your loved ones and make sure there’s nothing dangerous at home. Whether you’re looking after an elderly family member, a child or even a pet, a doorbell camera takes the guesswork out of caregiving.
Smart doorbell cameras come with many uses you might not even know about. We found seven valuable ways to make the most of this essential security tech presented by our sponsor, SimpliSafe. Read to the end for a great deal on a home security system you can install in under an hour.
1. Stop porch pirates
We’re all getting more delivered right to our homes than ever before. Sadly, that means package theft is a more compelling option for thieves. With so much to choose from, they can have a field day quickly popping by to take what’s yours.
2. See who comes and goes
Potential burglars love to cruise by houses to get an idea of your schedule. That way, they know when you’re gone, which is the perfect time for them to strike. A smart doorbell camera keeps track of suspicious characters walking near your home and peeking through the window.
Other burglars will be less obvious. They’ll stay in their car, lingering outside your home. You’ll notice familiar faces on your live feed thanks to your video doorbell.
3. Answer the door from anywhere
Video doorbells have live video and two-way audio. This means you don’t have to go to your door to answer it, which lets you keep track of anyone who swings by. Plus, it minimizes contact.
4. Keep an eye on your pets
Does your pet like to spend time on the porch? Keep an eye on Fido through your video doorbell’s connected app.
The most important thing I learned as a caregiver

My mom lived with me for 25 years. She passed away after a battle with cancer in 2021, and I miss her every day. As her caregiver, I was honored to care for her, but it was hard.
I did my best, but I didn’t seek professional help to ease the emotional burden of caregiving. Though I worked out every day, I now realize that counseling might have been helpful to process everything going on.
The one device every caregiver needs
How new Alexa features can help care for the older people in your life

It can be challenging when caring for an aging loved one. There aren’t many tools to make the job more accessible, and with COVID-19 around, face-to-face meetings are difficult.
But when you can’t physically be with your loved ones, companies like Amazon attempt to make the world a smaller place. Through initiatives such as Alexa Together, the service can send you daily check-in alerts or dispatch emergency services if a fall is detected.
Are you a caretaker facing false accusations? Security cameras can prove your innocence

Taking care of unwell family members can be grueling on its own. You have to take care of someone else’s food, medical appointments, restroom usage and more. This applies to any caretaker, whether you’re looking after young kids, animals or even older adults.