Technology to bust a cheating spouse

Open/download audioLate nights at work, texting more often and other suspicious behaviors from a spouse are tell tale signs that they might be cheating. Is it an affair or is it something else? In this episode of Komando on Demand, Kim delves into the technology that will help find out if a spouse is fooling around. You’ll hear from award-winning author, educator and private investigator Larry Kaye about the ethics of investigating a spouse or significant other.

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Tags: choices, Komando, technology, texting

What you can do with your old iPhone

Mark your calendars, it’s that time of year again! Later today, Apple will finally reveal this year’s highly anticipated new iPhones and a slew of its other products. And as usual, if you’re looking to get the latest and greatest from Apple land, you’re probably wondering what you can do with your old iPhone.

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Shocked couple finds hidden Airbnb spy camera pointed at their bed

Security cameras are a great way to protect your property, but they can also violate your privacy if someone uses them against you without your permission.

Camera technology has advanced immensely in the past few years. They keep getting smaller and smaller, making it possible to conceal them any which way. Disguised cameras are now particularly a big part of the problem because they’re cheap and anyone can easily buy them online.

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The most accurate weather information for your exact location

When it comes to weather, we trust our phones more than the guy on TV. Many apps are out there that provide weather information, but there’s a big problem with most of them. Traditional weather apps run forecasts by zip code or from national weather centers, which means they don’t cover where you’re actually standing. How often does your phone cheerfully say it’s a bright, sunny day while thunder is rocking the house?

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Charge your iPhone faster

As you’re about to step out the door, you get that dreaded low battery alert on your phone. You know you need to leave, but you can’t go MIA in the middle of the day. As you plug in your phone and wait for the battery to charge up, you realize that you’re going to be waiting a while.

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Simple phishing emails were behind the biggest North Korean hacks

You probably know that the biggest cyberattacks in recent memory – the Sony Pictures breach, the Bangladesh Bank heist, and the WannaCry ransomware attacks – are all blamed on a certain state-sponsored hacking group from North Korea. You might think that their schemes are sophisticated but it looks like all of their cyberattacks still start off as simple phishing emails, after all.

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4 ways to keep your anonymity online

Keeping your identity private is no easy task. With every site pressing you to sign up, share everything and link other accounts, it can be difficult to keep things to yourself. But you don’t have to be exposed to all those prying eyes and ads. I have some solutions to keep you insulated from data-mining advertisers and snoops.

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Ant trapped inside monitor drives DJ crazy

Some of the most frustrating problems in the tech world are the ones you can’t easily solve yourself — software that’s not functioning as it should, gadgets that are acting out of the ordinary, apps that suddenly stop working. Typically, tech companies push out patches to fix most of these non-user serviceable problems. But what if the issue is a “bug” that even the greatest software patch can’t fix?

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Stunning filters turn your photos into works of Picasso, Rembrandt and more

There’s a brand new app that can turn your photos into works of art. Give your photos a whole new look with filters inspired by the works of Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and more.

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How to download Netflix shows and movies

Did you know you can save your favorite shows and movies from the Netflix app on your Apple and Android devices? This great news means that you can watch your favorite shows on the go without eating through your data plan! And, it’s really easy to do.

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Want to own a business? Amazon will help you with a van

The American Dream means something different to everyone, but for many it is owning their very own business. Amazon has made it easier for a contractor to start a business and get it going. But what has prompted this new delivery system and how can you take advantage of it?

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