Millennials watch TV on their terms

Open/download audioTalkin’ ’bout their generation. Millennials are changing the way they watch TV. It’s hurting some industries but possibly helping others.

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Tags: AdChoices, choices, industries, TV

How to unlock Android's secret menu

Did you know Android has a secret menu for customizing your phone’s system user interface? You can use it to customize your gadget’s status bar, clock and app notification settings. This helpful tip will show you how to access this menu you’ll wish you knew about sooner.

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How to know if your phone or tablet has a virus or malware

It used to be confined to desktops and laptops. But now, more than ever, mobile gadgets are being targeted with viruses, trojans, malware, spyware, ransomware, and adware. Just about any type of “ware” cybercrooks can think of.

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New ways Amazon is delivering to you

Free two-day shipping is probably the biggest reason most people originally became an Amazon Prime member. That’s a nice feature, but these days people are looking for more. That’s why Amazon is always looking for better ways to deliver its products and are making some changes to the process. Some of these changes will be welcomed with open arms, while one’s a little unbelievable.

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7 apps for Apple that make you more interesting

Good news! We can all become more interesting people. Being more interesting is about a willingness to learn and to share yourself with the people around you. We’ve got apps for Apple gadgets that will help you do just that.

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The CIA's first Instagram post has people scratching their heads

When you think of the CIA, Instagram probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Well, the organization made its Instagram debut with a mysterious still-life photo and a single clue in the form of a sentence. Now, users across Instagram are working together to decode the photo’s meaning — and hopefully unlock any secrets the CIA may have hidden within it. Can you identify each object in the photo?

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7 apps for Android that make you more interesting

Good news! We can all become more interesting people. Being more interesting is about a willingness to learn and to share yourself with the people around you. We’ve got Android apps that will help you do just that.

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Use AR to measure anything with your smartphone or tablet camera

Need to measure something and don’t have a ruler? This app makes taking measurements a snap.

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You won't believe the dumb reason that blocks a major Windows 10 update

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More adware! Google deletes dozens of apps with over half a billion installs

The sun comes up, the sun goes down. Bad apps are found on the Google Play Store, bad apps get removed. Repeat.

It’s become all too common for malware and adware-filled apps to be discovered on the Play Store. Sure, they eventually get removed, but it seems like Google doesn’t actually do too much to prevent them from getting into the store in the first place.

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Yes, cell phones do affect your health

Our smartphones are definitely affecting our health and taking years off our lives in a way we didn’t expect. Smartphones have been connected to raising stress levels and that affects almost the entire body. Read this article for shocking revelations discovered by recent studies and learn how to lower your stress.

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