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When it comes to the world of smartphones, your first decision might be the toughest. That is whether you want to be an Apple or Android user. If you go with Android, you will have tons of phone manufacturers to choose from. However, U.S. intelligence agencies are warning consumers against using one Chinese brand in particular.
One of the great promises of Amazon’s lineup of Alexa gadgets is that they can help bring your house a step closer to the Jetsons’ and Star Trek-style future we all covet. You can simply speak up to turn down your heater, trigger a groovy music playlist, or bathe your living room in soft mood lighting. Some of these capabilities require buying specialized tech gadgets like thermostats, hubs, and smart light bulbs.
Have you ever tried the free office productivity software alternatives out there that can replace Microsoft’s Word, Excel or PowerPoint? There’s the excellent LibreOffice, OpenOffice or the WPS Suite that you can download and install now.
Since smartphones keep us connected almost all the time, they can also be critical safety and distress signal tools in emergencies and times of dire need. It’s not just a safety beacon you can deploy anytime, it can also divulge important medical data about you during a crisis.
For decades, voice-controlled technology was seen strictly as a science fiction construct. Now, our smartphones are no longer used strictly for calls and chats – we can now use our voices to command these gadgets themselves via their built-in smart assistants like Siri and Google Assistant.
Whether you’re using an Apple iPhone or Google’s Android operating system, you probably spend time closing apps. You may think it improves the performance of your smartphone or tablet or saves battery life. But does it?
Psst! You’re probably not getting the most out of Windows 10. That’s the Microsoft operating system that’s running on roughly half a billion PCs and laptops. Windows is so commonplace that most of us don’t pay attention to the ways it can make our lives a whole lot easier. These are helpful tricks that you probably forgot are there.
Many Amazon Alexa users are stuck in a rut and they don’t even know it. They say things like “Alexa, play my music” and “Alexa, what is the weather for today?” Those are handy commands, but they barely scratch the surface of what this very capable voice assistant can do.
Your children want their independence. They want to venture out of the nest and stay up on the latest trends, no matter how impractical.
Bottom line, it’s a big world out there, with an even bigger internet. There are a million and a half different things you could worry about at any given moment. It’s just what every parent does.
Are you sick and tired of Facebook? Maybe it’s the fake news. Or the one-up viral videos. Or the ads. Facebooks users are noticeably tuning out.
Facebook said that it’s doing something to fix the problem. It will tweak its algorithm to prioritize your friends’ posts, you know, the posts that really matter to you. Connecting with friends is what made Facebook so popular anyway.