How to find the SpaceX Starlink satellites in the night sky

Have you heard about Starlink yet? No, it’s not an electric train or a Hollywood tour bus — it’s SpaceX’s new communications array designed to optimize the global internet for generations to come.
Here’s how it works: SpaceX launches thousands of small, internet-connected satellites into orbit. Then, these satellites communicate with antenna arrays on the ground, which in turn provides more internet access to isolated parts of the globe and beyond.
There’s even talk of how Starlink can help get future lunar missions internet ready, but we’re quite a few years away from that step.
Fortunately, SpaceX has already launched several satellites into orbit. And for those of us on Earth who want a sneak peek at the future of the web, we can actually watch the Starlink units from the ground while they pass overhead.
How? Well, you need to know where the satellites are in the sky, naturally. And that’s where FindStarlink comes in. This website uses real astronomical calculations to bring you accurate dates and times for when the Starlink satellites will be overhead in your city.
All you need to do is plug in your location, click “Find visible times” and presto, you’ll get a complete list of upcoming Starlink orbits, as well as their visibility in your city.
For amateur stargazers and tech geeks alike, FindStarlink is a great way to find something new to look at in the skies. And best of all, the sight of Starlink itself is extremely cool to look at. From a ground perspective, it almost looks like a train of stars moving as one!
Try this site. It’s great stuff!
Tags: Hollywood, internet, satellites, space, SpaceX, Starlink