Check your phone! Bad app alert

May 9, 2023

By Kim Komando

Is your Android phone running sluggishly? It could be any number of causes, from bloatware to spyware. Here are eight ways to get your phone back up to speed.

Have you seen charges for things you don’t remember subscribing to? Either your kids got their hands on your credit card, or you may be the victim of a thieving app. The apps boast abilities to make you look slimmer, remove imperfections and add filters. Don’t let vanity be your downfall!

Troy story

Eleven malicious apps were recently found on the Google Play Store that have been installed 620,000 times. 

They deliver a subscription form of Trojan (that’s malware disguised as a legitimate program) called Fleckpe that has a sneaky trick: When you download a wallpaper or edit a photo, the malware opens a page in an invisible browser and signs you up for a paid subscription service without you knowing. And your money goes straight to the crooks.

While the apps have been removed from Google Play, they still may be present on your phone. And don’t think this is the end of it. Apps like this pop up all the time. 

The apps are disguised to look harmless, and the hackers behind them can even download legitimate apps and corrupt them before putting them back in the store. Wow.

RELATED: Delete these malicious Android apps immediately

Delete these apps now

Check your phone for these apps:

To delete an app on your Android phone, long-press the app, then tap App Info > Uninstall.

Enable security features

Google Play Protect keeps your phone safe from harmful apps on the play store, and Smart Lock allows you to keep your phone unlocked depending on the situation.

Turn on Google Play Protect

Turn on Smart Lock

Stay vigilant

Even if you don’t find any of these apps on your phone, there are countless others to watch out for. Follow our tips to stay safe:

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