Sick of hateful comments? Use this free tool to block them on your favorite sites

The internet is, arguably, the meanest place to hang out in the world. Hateful comments, harmful content, and other unsavory behavior all await. Where can you turn when it all gets to be just a bit too much to handle? Tap or click here to filter certain words from your Facebook feed.
Our new favorite way to block out the trolls is a free tool that keeps any website’s comments section hidden from view.
Read on to learn about Shut Up, the browser extension you’ve been waiting for.
Here’s the backstory
To block comments with this free tool, simply visit the site and click on your preferred browser. The extension is available for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox and Opera. You’ll be redirected to an installation page where you can add the extension.

After adding the extension to your browser, it automatically blocks comments on any web page you visit. It loads web pages in a pre-created stylesheet that blocks comments.
If you want to see comments on specific sites, it’s simple. Just click the Shut Up button in your browser’s toolbar and select Reload Without Content Blockers.
We love this effort against internet hate. The genius behind the project, Ricky Romero, has even made his contact info public for anybody with issues or possible improvements to implement.
He is also an ardent believer in a safe, secure, and free internet and promises that this tool will never track or sell your browsing data.
The end of hate online?
Perhaps some things are better left unsaid. When they are said anyway, you’ve always got this tool to prevent distracting, hateful content from popping up everywhere you go online.
You never know how far a comment will go. Why risk your dignity by contributing to the negativity already plaguing the internet?
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Tags: extensions, Facebook, free, hate, Incognito mode, internet, love, safe, secure, tool, trolls, web browsers/browsing, web pages