Update your Mac! Critical patch fixes flaw that could wipe out data

February 16, 2021

By Kim Komando

When you think of operating system updates gone bad Microsoft probably comes to mind. And for good reason.

The tech giant has had all kinds of problems recently trying to send updates without causing more problems than they fix. A recent Windows 10 update was packed with glitches causing problems from minor issues to the Blue Screen of Death. Tap or click here to find out how to fix those flaws.

But now, Apple is getting in on the flawed updates. A recent update for Mac devices could potentially wipe out all the data on your machine. Keep reading to find out what happened and how to get a new patch to fix the glitch.

Here’s the backstory

The latest version of Apple’s operating system was released just a few months ago, but a major bug has already surfaced. If you try to upgrade to macOS Big Sur 11.2, you could end up crashing your device and losing access to your data.

Normally, the macOS installer checks for hard drive space before initiating an update. If it doesn’t find the room, it won’t install.

With the release of Big Sur 11.2, this wasn’t the case. The upgrade would start even if you didn’t have enough free space and keep going until you are at 100% capacity. The installer keeps working on trying to finish, locking you out of your Mac.

The installation/data problem was confirmed in version 11.2. Tap or click here to read more about Big Sur’s rocky start. Apple has been releasing patches as usual, and the latest one corrects the installation issues. Here’s how to get started.

The patch: Big Sur 11.2.1

A revised version of Big Sur will warn you if you don’t have enough disk space, preventing the installation from starting. You can upgrade to Big Sur 11.2.1 the same way as you have with past releases.

Here’s how to update a Mac:

RELATED: 3 new Mac tips for better online security

Future tips

There some steps you can take to prevent disasters when you are taking on any major updates.

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