Watch hundreds of great movies for free

The price of movie theater tickets, cable and specialty channels and streaming services continues to rise. As we choose to rent or purchase digital downloads on a regular basis, those small bills start to add up.

With Kanopy, you can experience film without the buyer’s remorse that follows.

Just as some of us aim to be well-read, having viewed the many great movies since the invention of film is something to be proud of. Binge watching the latest season of your favorite reality show still has its place, but building your film knowledge and experiencing the history and culture of these magnificent movies requires more. Since Blockbuster is no longer with us, do you really have to go online and purchase all of the classics?

Kanopy, a streaming service, now brings free films straight to you through your library card. Their mission to democratize meaningful film and television to allow you to broaden your horizons without even opening your wallet. With hundreds of new films each month, you don’t need a paid subscription to get your film fix!

A variety worth raving about

Kanopy reaches over 4,000 public libraries and campuses worldwide and boasts more than 30,000 films. At Kanopy, the aim is more than just to deliver movies, but rather to offer a selection of thoughtful entertainment that inspires, enriches lives and challenges perspectives.

Flexible viewing options

A modern-day streaming service wouldn’t be complete without the option to view movies and television shows on any device. Kanopy is available on the Apple App Store, Google Play, Chromecast, Roku, and the Amazon App Store.

Engaging and educational selections for kids

While popular streaming services often feature kids’ selections, what better place to find educational content for your little ones than the library? Kanopy has partnered with Common Sense Media to ensure that the age ratings on their kids’ video selection are developmentally appropriate. The films and shows on the service promote creativity, emotional and social development, and cultural diversity.

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Watch out! This elaborate Apple phishing attack will steal your identity

As I have said in the past, phishing scams are one of the most prevalent and devious online scams out there. They use phony emails that seem like they are from a trusted source, but in reality are tricks to get you to click or enter information that allows the scammer to have access to either personal or financial information. This latest phishing scam uses people’s trust in Apple to do just that. This is what to look out for.

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Clever new phishing attack is hitting Office 365 accounts

Phishing scams are one of the most prominent ways hackers acquire people’s personal information and take control of their accounts. It seems like every day we hear of another of these devious scams. Well, this one has a particular trickery about it that might be able to fool millions. Here is how to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of by this latest phishing scam.

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If you have an Apple ID, you may have been hacked

If you have an Apple device, you already know what Apple ID is. In fact, you know it very well because you have to use your Apple ID quite frequently to sign into your devices and to log in to the App Store or iTunes. Recently, there seems to be a hack that has targeted Apple IDs and locking users out. Here is what to do if you have already been hacked, and if not, how to protect yourself.

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Boss asks you to buy gift cards? It might be a scam!

You know a scam is pretty severe when the FBI has to weigh in. That’s the case with this new gift-card scam. These clever hackers are using this time of year to convince people that their employer or boss has requested them to go purchase a gift card and send them the number. The scammers then wipe the cards clean and walk away with the money. Here’s what to look out for so this doesn’t happen to you.

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Trace a server's IP to find out who sent you an email

We all know phishing scams have become a large part of today’s internet culture. You receive an email and you are not sure whether or not you should open it. Well, what you might now know is there is a way to see where that email was sent from and even what server it came from. This can help you establish if the email is dangerous or not. Now, it might take a little leg work, but that’s why I am here to walk you through the steps.

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6 popular accounts that need two-factor authentication

It’s obvious that this simple step is worth the little effort required to set it up. But which accounts should you enable it on? Here’s how to enable two-factor authentication on six popular accounts offering this must-have feature.

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Beware! A new twist in the old 'White Van Speaker Scam'

When is a deal a deal? Sometimes, we come across an unusually marked down item that’s simply too good to be true. But you know how the saying goes – most of the time, that’s because it is. Have you ever heard of the “White Van Speaker Scam”? It’s one of the oldest scams in the world where a sly salesman tries to sell you what appears to be “the best deal in home theater history.” Well, check again, it might just be “the best scam in home theater history,” if you fall for it.

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People are getting fed up with passwords and security questions

3 places better than Craigslist to buy and sell used items

It’s been a little while since the last time we talked about Craigslist alternatives, but once again you’ve fallen out of love with some items in your closet, and gotten some new electronics that make you less interested in your older ones.

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Breach! Walmart exposed personal data of 1.3 million U.S. shoppers

Keeping your personal information out of the hands of criminals is hard enough these days. With massive data breaches like the one we recently warned you about at Equifax, it almost seems like the battle is already lost.

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Clever Facebook scam spreading all over the country right now

Tools you're using to secure emails have a flaw — what to use to send secure messages

In case you didn’t know, email encryption is a secure way to protect your email from hackers, criminals and prying eyes. It’s a process where your email messages are scrambled so if hackers manage to intercept them, all they’ll see is gibberish.

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Massive Equifax data breach is worse than originally thought

It’s only been a matter of months since we found out about the massive Equifax data breach that exposed over 145 million Americans’ critical information. Stolen data included Social Security numbers, and as you know, we can never replace them. Well, brace yourself, it turns out that the Equifax breach is even worse than reported.

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Your home address, age, relatives and more are on this site

Have you ever wondered just how much info about you is available on the web? For the average person, it’s usually not too much to worry about. But certain types of sites share tons of information you won’t be comfortable with. This site in particular shares people you know, current and past addresses, your date of birth and more.

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Don't fall for this 'White House' phishing email

There’s a brand new phishing email that’s making the rounds. I’ve seen it personally, and it’s using a well-known political figure to trick you into clicking. You’ll recognize this name when it pops up in your inbox, but the message isn’t really from her – it’s from scammers! Take a look at this screenshot, and I’ll point out the major discrepancies.

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