7 tech gems that make life easier and save you time

Our everyday devices make life easier, but they can be huge time sucks. Here are seven nifty ways tech can help you streamline your life.
1. Measure your heart rate with your phone
You don’t need a smartwatch to measure your heart rate. Cardiio: Heart Rate Monitor is an iPhone app that uses your phone’s camera to take a reading of your pulse. Place your index finger on the back camera, and the app will measure your heart rate by detecting color changes. Be sure to hold your phone steady and keep still. It works with iPads, too.
For Android, Heart Rate Monitor works similarly. Cover the back camera, stay still, and you’ll get a reading.
Just remember, apps like this are not a replacement for seeing a medical professional or talking to your doctor if you’re not feeling well.
For more smartphone smarts, check out this fantastic list of 10 iPhone tricks I use every day, and you will, too.
2. Get more legroom on your next flight
Google Flights is terrific for figuring out the best and cheapest way to get from point A to point B. But wouldn’t it be great also to know if you’re going to be scrunched in a little seat the whole time?
- Get the Chrome browser extension called Legroom for Google Flights. When using Google Flights, you’ll also see how much legroom there is per seat by the flight you selected.
- Another solid option is SeatGuru.com. Enter your airline and flight number, and you’ll see a map of the best seats with the most legroom, no download is required.
Hitting the road soon? Here are 10 travel tips even seasoned travelers can benefit from.
3. Post to all your social media accounts at once
Social media is fun, but it can also be a lot of work. You can spend way too long crafting the right tweet, the right Facebook post, an Instagram photo, then … well, you know.
5-minute tech fix: Finally speed up your PC

When your computer slows to a crawl, it’s frustrating, and you want to fix it as fast as possible. Occasionally, your internet is actually to blame. Tap or click for the best ways to fix a pokey Wi-Fi connection.
If your computer is on its last legs, there’s not a ton you can do aside from buying a new one. Not sure where to start? I can help. My team and I created a laptop quiz to help you find the right model for you. Tap or click to take our 60-second quiz to find a perfect laptop based on your needs and budget.
Quick tech fix: Stop annoying notifications for good
Remember the days before our gadgets were buzzing and beeping at us all day long? Yeah, me neither. Maybe your issue is email.
If your inbox is a mess, give yourself the gift of clearing it out. No, you don’t have to go through email by email. Tap or click for steps on archiving your inbox.