Prison changes a man: About two weeks after his arrest in France, Telegram’s CEO says it’s not fair he was held responsible for others’ criminal activity on his app. Still, he calls it his “personal goal” to fix the problems. Step 1: Telegram’s updated FAQ page says users’ private chats are no longer protected from moderation. Cry me a river. Way too little, way too late.
Safe ways to get free stuff in your neighborhood
If you want to save money while connecting to your community, you have to join a buy nothing group. It’s exactly what it says on the tin: a group of neighbors with their own gift economy. You can join a Facebook group or even a community on NextDoor or other apps. Tap or click here to find out how Nextdoor and other apps help sell your old, used or battered tech.
Neighbors pass around items they no longer use in a buy nothing group. Say you bought a device you no longer use and don’t want to go to the trouble of selling it yourself. You can head to a buy nothing group and ask, “Would anyone like to pick this up?”
That way, someone can swing by and take it off your hands. You can also grab some fantastic freebies for any project you need. Buy nothing groups are convenient, money-saving and help declutter your home.
How to join a buy nothing group
Luckily, you can join the Buy Nothing Project no matter where you are. The official organization has spread throughout the globe.
There are a few ways to get started. First, you can download the app on iOS or Android and join with a Gmail account. You can react to posts, send private messages, and upload photos and videos to show what you have to give away through the app. It’s free to use, though it comes with ads.
If you don’t want to download the app, you can head to Facebook, Nextdoor or another social media platform. Sometimes they’re on Reddit, Discord or Slack, but you’ll have the most luck on Facebook or Nextdoor. Here’s how to find and join your local buy nothing group.
Follow these steps
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