Don't make the same mistake that cost me $90K

I’ve been a small business owner for 25 years. Along the way, I’ve had some great successes, along with my fair share of mistakes.

Sometimes those mistakes are easy to recover from. You recognize what went wrong, regroup and try something new. And sometimes you realize, “Uh oh. This is something I can never let happen again.”

Years ago, I had someone running all the financials for my business. She made about $70,000. Keep in mind, she was the one person who worked for me that knew the ins and outs of our financial procedures. Well, one day, she came into my office said, “As of today, I want to make $90,000, or I will walk out that door.”

I couldn’t let her leave. She knew what a bind I was in, and she took advantage. That’s a mistake I’ve never, ever repeated.

You might be thinking, “Kim, that was a $20,000 mistake. She was already making $70K.” Technically, you’re right. But to me, I chalk up the entire experience up as a costly mistake.

Now, employees are cross-trained, and we have systems in place that anyone with the right skillset can jump into. Having the right software in place is also critical.

Ditch the spreadsheets and get your financials in the cloud

If you’re a business owner, you don’t need us to tell you that running a business is tough. Don’t let QuickBooks and spreadsheets slow you down, making things harder than necessary. It’s time to upgrade to our sponsor, NetSuite.

Stop paying for multiple systems that don’t give you the information you need when you need it. Ditch the spreadsheets and all the old software you’ve outgrown. Now is the time to upgrade to NetSuite by Oracle — the world’s No. 1 cloud business system. 

NetSuite gives you visibility and control over your financials, HR, inventory, eCommerce, and more — all in one place, instantaneously. Whether you’re doing a million or hundreds of millions in revenue, save time and money with NetSuite. 

Join the over 24,000 companies using NetSuite! Let NetSuite show you how they’ll benefit your business with a free product tour at Schedule your free product tour while you’re thinking about it! You have nothing to lose!

Don't make this big mistake e-commerce companies often make

It’s a great time to sell online. Last year, many people didn’t want to venture out of their homes to shop at physical stores. That’s why they used online stores to get their essentials.

Statista studies found over 2 billion people bought goods or services online in 2020. Not only that, but sellers made 4.2 trillion U.S. dollars in e-retail sales worldwide. Good news: The online shopping gold rush is nowhere near stopping.

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Question: Are you making fewer mistakes WFH?

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Do workers make more mistakes at home or in the office? Listen now to find out what the experts are saying.

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Watch out: Your typos can actually cost you money

There are plenty of mistakes that can cost you money. One small slip can add an extra zero to a peer-to-peer payment or a decimal point to a sloppy invoice.

Human error isn’t the only costly mistake you can make, either. Leaving your personal information or accounts open to cybercriminals or hackers can also be an expensive error. It happens more often than you’d expect, too. Tap or click for steps to make sure hackers cannot access your home network and files.

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7 big mistakes people make when shopping for a new laptop

For most of us, laptops are a crucial part of our daily lives. We use them for work, for play and for everything in between. But buying a new one can be a confusing, frustrating process. Laptops come in a wide range of prices, designs and capabilities, so it can be hard to know which to choose.

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How to succeed on social media - and the biggest mistakes you're making

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Build an audience, get them talking and stand out on a platform packed with people all trying to be heard. Easier said than done, right? If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur looking to make a name for yourself on social media, don’t miss this episode. Kim chats with business thought leader and top technology influencer Evan Kirstel about what it takes to succeed on social media — and the big mistakes you need to avoid if you want to build your brand.

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Why autocorrect makes so many mistakes on iPhone and iPad and how to correct it

Autocorrect is everyone’s best friend and worst enemy. Yet, it can be frustrating, especially when it misses things it should have caught and when it corrects things it shouldn’t — we’ve all experienced that. Apple has simple solutions to help fix the small bugs of autocorrect.

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Pro tips to capture the best pictures of your pets

Anyone with a pet knows how much fun they can be. Excited tail wagging when you get home, purring in your lap when you’re relaxing in front of the TV, and stealing bags of Cheetos out of the pantry when you’re not looking (OK, maybe that’s just my dog).

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