How to use Google like the Super Bowl commercial did

Super Bowl Sunday is a time for family gatherings, great food and heated debates over whether the other team cheated or not. But one thing everyone can agree on? The advertisements get crazier every year.

Just a few short years ago, we saw the rise of the infamous “PuppyMonkeyBaby.” Missed it? Check out the bizarre commercial here. This year, we saw an extended campaign where Mr. Peanut sacrificed his life and reincarnated somehow. Next year, all bets are off.

Maybe Mr. Clean and the Mucinex Man will go head-to-head in a boxing match? Tap or click to see 10 strange Super Bowl facts you never knew. But all that aside, this year one ad made a huge impact across America.

Google showed how one man used the power of Google’s search engine to cope with the loss of his wife. If you felt inspired to do what he did, we’ll show you how.

Loretta: How Google brought a human touch to its search engine

For Super Bowl LIV, Google was one of several advertisers to run a premium clip during half time. Rather than touting the company’s technological prowess, Google focused on how its software can be used by ordinary people to celebrate life and love.
Oh, Google. Way to play with our heartstrings.

Set against the search queries of an older gentleman, the commercial shows how Google’s voice assistant and search engine can come together to honor the memory of his lost wife.

In addition to being an emotional gut-punch, the ad also displays some neat tricks you can do with Google. But people across social media are wondering whether these features are real. Can you actually do all the things in this ad?

Related: 5 things you didn’t know Google Assistant could do

Well, it turns out you can. Google Assistant’s features have grown tremendously since it first debuted, and updates to Google’s classic search engine allow for some queries you wouldn’t expect to be answered. Here are all the things from the “Loretta” commercial you can do in real life.

Photos + Google Assistant = Easy organization

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Google Photos may have shared your private videos with a stranger

Data breaches and leaks seem to be happening more often these days. In most breaches, you need to worry about sensitive information getting stolen and sold on the Dark Web to people who will use it for identity theft.

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Easy trick to find any photo on your phone

Thanks, in part, to the high-quality lenses on smartphones these days, everyone’s a photographer.

How inspired are folks behind a mobile device? Reports indicate people worldwide snap over 1 trillion images a year. That’s a whole lot of inspiration! Tap or click to learn 5 ways to use your phone’s camera like a pro.

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Facebook makes it easier to take back your photos

Facebook has evolved dramatically in the span of one year. After declaring the future was “private,” Mark Zuckerberg and co. have worked to adapt the platform for modern privacy sensibilities. In spite of this, there are still some issues attracting regulators’ attention. Tap or click here to see how the platform is still selling user data.

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Google announced 5 new products, #4 is better than Apple

Earlier leaks may have revealed what the new Pixel 3 smartphones will look like but with this event’s focus on the synergy between AI, hardware and software, Google had many surprises on tap. Aside from the new smartphones, get ready for a new kitchen assistant, a premium tablet and one killer accessory! Here are the five Google products that were announced we’re most excited about.

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You're missing out on what Google can really do

What does Google mean to you? Perhaps it’s just how you search the internet, or maybe Google Docs is your main word processing program. It is simply your email provider? That’s as far as many people go with Google, but the tech giant offers a lot more than that.

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