Your employer can use this data against you – Don’t let them

One of the three largest credit bureaus, Equifax, is collecting data that could screw you out of thousands of dollars — or a job.
I dug up everything you need to know about a new database of 716 million income and employment records, including, potentially, yours. Why? Because I want you to always be tech-ahead and never tech-behind.
It’s called ‘The Work Number’
Employers can use this massive employee verification database from Equifax (yep, the same folks who leaked 147 million people’s data in 2017) to make sure you are who you say you are.
Your Employment Data Report (EDR) includes things like where you’ve worked, when you worked there and your exact past salary numbers.
Great for employers, bad for you
Trying to get a new job? An employer could use your EDR to find your past salary range and lowball you in negotiations. Your current employer could also see if you have a side hustle and use that info to fire you.
And, of course, Equifax will sell your EDR to anyone who’s buying, including debt collectors. No bueno.
How to stop it
You can freeze your EDR just like a credit report. You can also see who’s tried to access it within the past two years.
Unfortunately, you’ll need to make an account with The Work Number to do it. Ironic, I know.
- Search for your current or former employer(s) using their name or employer code (the nine-digit number on your W-2).
- Click their name, followed by Register Now. Heads-up: It’ll ask for your Social Security number.