Take an online test that tells you your “real age”
Like most people, the older I get the more concerned I am about my health. There are so many illnesses that are out of our control it’s a good idea to try and prevent the ones that we can.
That’s why it’s never too early to begin living a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy foods and having a regular workout regimen can keep you feeling youthful.
Diet and exercise are important, so much so that your actual age might not truly reflect your “real age” when it comes to health. Studies show that people who live an unhealthy lifestyle can be much older in health years than actual years. There’s even an online test that can determine your “RealAge” for you.
The test can be found on the Sharecare website.
The RealAge test is a unique calculation of your body’s health age, created by top doctors including Dr. Mike Roizen and Dr. Mehmet Oz. Powered by the latest medical research, your RealAge results create personalized tips and action plans to get healthier and grow younger.
You will be asked questions like:
- How tall are you?
- How much do you weigh?
- What’s your waist size?
- Do you know your blood pressure?
- Do you have any health problems that prevent you from doing any of the things people your age normally can do?
- Have you ever used tobacco products regularly for three months or more?
- Have you suffered from chronic or recurring pain in the last 12 months?
- What is your relationship status?
Tags: Health, online, relationship, research