How to digitally sign a PDF

How to digitally sign a PDF

If you’re starting a new job or receiving documents to sign for projects, there may be a number of pages that require your signature. One big problem could be you don’t have access to a printer to print the documents and you don’t have a scanner to upload them once you sign.

Some documents can be time-sensitive so using the printer at the post office may take too long and buying a printer may be too expensive.

Luckily for you, there’s a simple and easy solution to get your documents from point A to point B: Digital signatures.

How to digitally sign a document

The first step to signing a PDF document is to open it and select the edit/markup tool next to the search bar.

Once the dropdown menu appears, navigate to the ‘signature‘ button and select from two options: The trackpad or the camera.

The trackpad allows you to write your signature with the pad on your computer, while the camera takes an image of your signature that you have written on a piece of paper.

When you’ve completed signing your name, the signature will be copied into a text box allowing you to place it where you’d like.

A digital signature or signature image

Taking an image of your signature or signing a document via your trackpad are both great options to use. However, using the trackpad can be tricky. You don’t get the same feel you would if you were using a pen and paper. The signature may not come out the way you’d like it too.

Taking an image of your signature will almost always turn out the way you are expecting it to. When signing any document, it is imperative that your signature is clear and identifiable. If it isn’t, there are a number of problems that could occur in your business or daily life depending on what you are signing off on.


Just because your signature is being placed on a document, doesn’t mean it will always be accepted. Digitally signing a PDF document is convenient, but, the party receiving the document needs to be aware of the way you are signing. Additionally, whoever is receiving the document needs to give permission for the use of a digital signature.

Tags: buying, camera, computer, digital