Don’t miss Kim’s newsletters: Instructions for Outlook users

October 30, 2018

By Mark Jones

Spam blockers are great. They keep you from receiving unwanted emails, including ones that could contain viruses or links to malicious sites.Unfortunately, the spam blocker in Outlook is causing some of my readers to miss out on my helpful newsletters.That’s why I’ve put together these easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to ensure you keep getting my newsletters uninterrupted. Don’t worry, it only takes a minute and a few clicks.

Add Safe Senders and Safe Recipients

If you haven’t been receiving my newsletters, you’ll want to add me to the Safe Senders or Safe Recipients Lists.Log in to your Outlook and open one of my newsletters. Next, click on the Home tab >> Delete >> Junk >> Never Block Sender or Never Block the Group or Mailing List.You can also add the newsletters manually by clicking Home >>Delete >> Junk >> Junk E-mail Options >> Safe Senders / Safe Recipients >> Add then enter the address of the newsletter you are adding (listed below), then click OK.Keep in mind that you will need to do this for all of my newsletters that you receive.Here’s a list of my Komando newsletters and the email contact you will need to add:

Not getting all of these emails? You can manage the newsletters you receive here.You’re all set! That wasn’t too hard, was it? If you’re still having trouble, though, feel free to contact my Customer Service.