Find and manage your duplicate photos with this free download

Find and manage your duplicate photos with this free download

If you’re like most people, you likely have thousands of digital photos saved on your computer, ready for viewing or sharing instantly. With the convenience and ease of digital photo taking, this collection of images keeps growing every day until it becomes large enough to be a pain to manage.

And it gets even harder to organize photos and images if you don’t name and tag them as you go. Unlike documents where you can hunt for specific text, searching for photos on your computer relies on metadata, file names, and location (if enabled.)

Now, think about going through this ever-growing stash of photos just to track down the multiple copies of the same image. Duplicate photos are wasteful. They take up much needed space and they slow down your computer’s search function even further.

But don’t fret, here’s a program that can help you track down duplicate photos in a jiffy.

Duplicate Photos Fixer

Duplicate Photos Fixer is a software tool that scans and deletes duplicate photos in your libraries. Using an image detection algorithm, it can quickly do comparisons of images in your libraries and return instant results.

With just one click, it can sort through thousands of photos and detect identical and similar photos regardless of dimensions, shooting modes and applied effects. You can then select the copies you want to keep and delete the duplicates, quickly freeing up space on your computer!

Similar photos are grouped together for quick access but with its preview mode, you can review each individual shot before deleting it.

Duplicate Photos Fixer is available for both Windows and macOS computers plus it has mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Try this download now

You can download Duplicate Photos Fixer’s trial version for Windows and macOS for free. To unlock all the features, the Pro Edition will cost you around $29.95, though.

Note: If you want a free duplicate photo finder for Windows, try Panaustik.

Duplicate Photos Fixer also has mobile apps for iOS and Android. The iOS version is $1.99 while the Android app is ad-supported.

Click here or the Download button below to take you straight to Duplicate Photos Fixer’s download page.

Tags: Android, applications (apps), computer, photos, space