Find and eliminate duplicate files on your PC
Clutter on your hard drive can slow your PC’s performance. One big culprit you might not think of is duplicate files. Duplicate copies of music and photos aren’t uncommon, and they eat away at your available storage.
Unfortunately, finding duplicate files on your computer is a real time-wasting hassle. You have to know what files you have, then go through the rest of your folders looking for them, or perform detailed searches. Luckily, there’s a free program that will do the work for you.
It’s called DoubleKiller, and it will find and remove duplicate files in no time flat. You can clean up your music collection, get rid of duplicate pictures, and cut down the time it takes to back up your computer or search for a certain file.
Simply tell DoubleKiller where to search on your machine and what duplicates to look for. You can choose to search by file name, size, modification date and content. Or search an entire file type, such as ‘.mp3’ to find just duplicate songs.
You’ll get a list of duplicate files on your PC and you can either manually or automatically pick which ones to remove. It’s usually better to manually remove duplicates so you don’t accidentally get rid of something that was duplicated for a reason. Of course, you don’t have to delete your duplicates, you can also easily relocate them to a backup folder.
DoubleKiller might be a little slow on large hard drives packed with files. You can upgrade to DoubleKiller Pro for $20, which the developers say is 70 times faster. It also has some other handy features, but for most people, the free version should work just fine.
Click the blue button below to go to the DoubleKiller home page. Then click the Download button to get the program.