Disaster scammers already hard at work – How to avoid their tricks

February 20, 2021

By Kim Komando

Scammers will use any major event to their advantage, including preying on those hit by natural disasters. Texas and large parts of the country have been experiencing extreme weather, causing enormous damage.

Structures not designed to withstand heavy snow and wind have crumbled, and many have been left without electricity. One of the biggest problems facing Texans is bursting water pipes. Tap or click here to track the weather with this powerful, free live map.

When that happens, you will be on the lookout for a contractor to repair the damage as soon as possible. Having no electricity is one thing but having to go through the winter days with no water is horrible.

Safety tips to avoid disaster scams

The Better Business Bureau has some handy tips that will keep you safe during this dangerous time. The repairs on your home should be a top priority, but fraudsters can use the disaster to scam you out of money.

While some will complete the work correctly, they may have obtained the contract unethically or charge you exorbitant additional fees.

Here are some tips to stay safe during times of natural disasters:

Handling your insurance claim

Always make sure that your insurance company is aware of any claims or repairs and the contractor is legitimate. The Better Business Bureau warns that some contractors could pretend to be working for a local construction company but are actually just scammers.

“They masquerade as a local business, collect the insurance money and then move on, leaving the real business to deal with unsatisfied customers due to bad workmanship, unfinished work, or unfulfilled warranties,” the BBB said in an advisory.

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