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Don’t lose old voicemails – Steps to save them on iPhone and Android

how to save voicemail messages
© Leung Cho Pan |

We all know how comforting pictures and videos can be after someone passes, along with other mementos. I found my Mom’s car key ring the other day. I put my keys on it, and strangely, it makes me feel like she’s still near.

I get this question a lot. Someone you love has passed away and you want to save a voicemail to listen to when the grief wave hits. Don’t bet on your phone to keep it for you — I’ve heard from enough people devastated that their old messages are gone to know better. 

Let’s walk through how to keep a copy for good. 

Saving voicemails on iPhone

  • Go to the Phone app and tap Voicemail in the bottom right.
  • Tap on the voicemail you want to save, then tap the share button. It looks like a box with an arrow pointing out of it.
  • You can now share this voicemail via AirDrop, Messages, Mail, Messenger or WhatsApp.
  • To save the voicemail on your phone, select Add to New Quick Note or Save to Files. You can access the saved message again in either app and play it back at your leisure. Both apps automatically back up the file to iCloud if enabled.
  • To save the voicemail to your computer, select AirDrop, then tap on your computer’s name. Be sure both devices are connected to the same network. On your computer, accept the AirDrop and save the message wherever you want.

Saving voicemails on Android

Keep in mind steps will vary depending on the model you own. But you can follow some general steps to keep those important messages.

  • Open your Voicemail app or go to the Voicemail section in your Phone app.
  • Tap or tap and hold the message you want to save.
  • In the menu that appears, look for options like Save, Export, or Archive.
  • Select the storage location in your phone to which you would like the message to go, and tap OK or Save.

🧵 Next item of business, save a copy of text threads that mean a lot to you. It’s easier than you think!

Perhaps someone in your circle of friends or family could use this intel. Share this article with them right now while you’re thinking about it. Together, we can help people in more ways than imaginable.

Tags: Android, Apple iPhone, applications (apps), grief, messages, network, pictures, save, videos, voicemail