Hide your home on Google Maps and Apple Maps
Don’t want your house and address number visible to anyone online? Request a privacy blur over pictures of your home and car. I did it and so should you.
On Google Maps:
- Open Google Maps or the Street View gallery and look up your address.
- Tap the Street View photo you want blurred. It has to show your face, home, license plate or other identifying information.
- Click Report a problem in the bottom right or by clicking the three-dot menu on a photo. Complete the form, then click Submit.
Apple Maps makes it more of a pain. Get this — you actually have to email them. (At least it’s not a fax!) Email your request to MapsImageCollection@apple.com. Include your full address and any property details so they know which house is yours.
😂 I got a Bonnie Tyler GPS. It just keeps telling me to turn around. And every now and then, it falls apart. (I heard you laugh!)