Wacky 5G coronavirus conspiracy theories now being shared by celebrities

April 6, 2020

By Kim Komando

Many questions about the coronavirus still remain, but few prompt as much heated discussion as the true origin of this deadly pandemic.

Based on what we know, there’s little doubt that the virus is of animal origins. Despite piles of scientific evidence, some still insist on spreading baseless conspiracies. Tap or click here to see why COVID-19 is not a bioweapon.

Out of all the conspiracies spreading, here’s one of the strangest: The virus isn’t real at all and the symptoms are caused by 5G antennas. In fact, this rumor has gained traction among some big name celebrities and e-personalities, too. Here’s why it’s nothing but nonsense.

Paging Dr… Woody Harrelson?

A fringe conspiracy connecting 5G radio waves and coronavirus symptomsis gaining traction on YouTube and social media platforms. Proponents of the theory don’t entirely agree on the “facts,” but the basic premise is that 5G either actively suppresses the immune system or creates the same symptoms as COVID-19.

If you follow either of these theories to their logical conclusion, you end up with strange narratives like the pandemic being nothing more than a lie upheld by world governments.

Usually, advocates claim the powers that be are making people sick so they can implement some kind of sinister plot like “Bill Gates’ human depopulation plan” or “prison societies.” Tap or click to see what Bill Gates actually thinks about the pandemic.

This is all garbage, of course, but that hasn’t stopped several big names like celebrity Woody Harrelson and boxer Amir Khan from sharing content on social media linking the new wireless standard with COVID-19.

Platforms like YouTube are now removing videos that baselessly link 5G and COVID-19 as part of policies that prohibit fake coronavirus treatments and prevention methods. With so many videos still circulating, they certainly have their work cut out for them.

What other rumors are spreading?

In this Daily Tech Update, Kim lays out the most bizarre theories circulating the web right now. Among them, anti-vaxxers are screaming the coronavirus is just a way to force them to get vaccinated. Another group claims the reason there’s no coronavirus in Africa is that Africans, including African-Americans, are completely immune.

Click play to listen and get Kim’s bite-sized tech update every weekday by searching Daily Tech Update where you get your podcasts.

Fake news, real damage

Why on earth would anyone even connect the dots between 5G and COVID-19? Well, it has more to do with people finding non-existent patterns and connections between events happening around the world.

China is one of the first countries to roll out 5G on a massive scale, and Wuhan is a city with a substantial 5G infrastructure. Somebody had the bright idea to put two and two together, and the rest is (fake) history.

In any case, the dangers of 5G supposedly come from the fact that high-frequency radio waves can be dangerous to humans. This is the reason why microwaves are shielded, since too much high-frequency radiation can create heat and other biological effects like burns and cellular damage.

These radio waves produced by 5G antennas are nothing like ones from the microwave in your kitchen. In fact, a NIH study was unable to find “any consistent relationship” between 5G exposure and physical effects on the body. From what we can tell, it’s just another kind of radio signal for your phone to pick up.

Even though these stories are phony, that doesn’t mean they’re harmless to society. Believers in the conspiracy have already done considerable damage to people and property because of their fear of 5G

There have already been several incidents in the UK where people have attacked 5G cell towers and abused telecom workers maintaining them in the streets. There are even reports of arson against a 5G tower coming out of Birmingham.

It just goes to show you that even a fake story can have ripple effects in society at large. Instead of simply believing what your social media algorithms serve up to you, your best bet is to follow trusted sources and stick to the facts rather than speculation.

That, more than anything, is the best way to stay healthy. Tap or click here to see some scientifically-verified coronavirus prevention tips from The Kim Komando Show.
