Tailored advice: Create a “persona” for your AI chatbot when you write a prompt. Pick a role and give some context. For example, “Pretend you’re a graphic designer giving me feedback on my website’s color scheme and branding. What should I adjust?” You can do this with any role you can think of! More smarts like this are coming soon in my small-biz newsletter.
📦 Packages ending up at the wrong house? Enter your address in Google Maps to see if it’s marked correctly. Press Suggest an edit (pencil icon) > Wrong address > Fix an address. Move the map to where your house is or type the correct info if you’re on a computer. Tap Submit.
Apple menu > System Settings > Displays: Head there on your Mac to see options for how text is displayed. Make it bigger, smaller or have more space between lines. Play around and see what you like. In nerd speak, you’re changing your screen resolution.
🥴 “What’d you say?” If you find yourself asking this more and more, it’s time to make a change. Forget the hearing aids your grandpa wore; today’s tech is so much better. These hearing aids* have two tiny processors that analyze the sound around you to make conversations crystal clear. Incredible.
Better than holding down the power button: Windows PCs have a hidden emergency restart when nothing will respond. Hold down Ctrl and click the power icon in the Start menu. You’ll get a dramatic-looking message warning you’ll lose any unsaved data. Click OK to restart immediately.
3 signs there’s a card skimmer: Criminals put them on ATMs, gas pumps and payment terminals at grocery stores to steal your info. Red flags: 1.) The buttons on the PIN pad are off-center, 2.) They’re hard to push and 3.) Part of the pad is loose. If anything feels off, walk away. Better bet: Use your credit card’s tap-to-pay option, Apple Pay or Google Pay.