
Say hello to the new Dark Web: The encrypted chat app Telegram was founded by two Russians and has over 700 million active monthly users. It’s also home to Huione Guarantee, the largest illegal marketplace selling personal data and tools linked to pig-butchering schemes. One founder recently told a French court they’d “improve its moderation procedures” for Telegram. Sure. Between November 2024 and now, crypto scams on Telegram have increased by over 2,000%. Stay away.

🚫 This went tits-up: People who moved from TikTok to RedNote are thoroughly confused by censorship issues. One man asked why he couldn’t post photos of his abs, only to be told his nipples are sexually suggestive. ICYMI: RedNote is owned by China. If you downloaded the app, remove it.

Not a movie set: The other day, Ben Affleck came home to a huge military Hummer parked outside and a visit from police and FBI. They were investigating whether someone at his home or in the area launched a hobby drone that damaged a plane fighting the Pacific Palisades fire last week. By looking at the photos, and keeping in mind Ben survived J.Lo, I’d say he’s officially unshakeable.

📞 Targeting all 50 states: Scammers are impersonating mortgage companies, displaying the caller ID of your actual mortgage institution. Once you answer, they threaten foreclosure if you don’t pay up. Red flags: They ask for mail money orders to third-party attorneys or tell you to upload funds to a Walmart MoneyCard or Green Dot card account. Yeah, people are falling for that.

Don’t be a loser: The KeySmart SmartCart is trending online as the new “flat AirTag” that fits in your wallet. With a thickness of less than 2mm (about two stacked credit cards), it works with the Apple Find My app to alert you if you leave something behind. You can make it ring via Bluetooth, and its battery lasts up to five months on a single charge. Impressive. I ordered one for Barry.

Free AI test drive: You need to start using AI in your business before it’s too late. Take a free test drive of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure now at Oracle.com/kim.*

It’s Great Dane-gerous: A Chinese company has created a robotic dog that can sprint 100 meters in under 10 seconds. This is interesting: The robo-dog’s design is inspired by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens, who, in 1665, discovered pendulum clocks mounted on the same beam synchronized their swings through energy transfer. And get this: The robo-dog has shoes modeled after a black panther for maximum grip and stability. Yes, they’ll weaponize it.

🦾 I love it when tech changes lives: A woman received the world’s first AI-powered bionic arm after being run over by two trains in London. Here’s how it works: Sarah thinks about a movement, then twitches her muscles and tendons in a sequence. Over time, the AI learns and recognizes patterns, eventually predicting her next move. Even cooler? She can control her grip intensity, from handling eggs to crushing a Coke can. Hit this link to watch her story on the BBC’s site.

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