Popular antivirus program mistakenly IDs Windows as a threat, chaos follows
Your anti-virus software has one job: Protect your computer against malware. But one overzealous anti-virus program is improperly flagging Windows files and safe websites like Facebook as malicious. Here’s how to stop this faulty software from throwing your device into a complete meltdown.
5 dangerous phone scams that are spreading now
The next time your phone rings, think twice before you answer it. Five scary phone scams are spreading right now, and are fooling people to hand over more than just their money. If you don’t read this, you won’t know the signs of these costly schemes, and could easily fall victim.
5 Siri tricks you never knew existed
How in the world did we manage to survive for a millennium without voice-activated virtual assistants? For iPhone users I have great news! Siri is capable of far more than reading off directions. These five Siri tricks will forever change the way you use Apple’s virtual assistant.
If you see this hook in a toilet, leave ASAP and report it
Wow! I’ve told you about some troubling things in the past, but this story trumps them all. People are being spied on in one of the places they value privacy the most! If you see one of these hooks in a public restroom, someone could be watching uninterrupted for hours!
New Google feature keeps you organized
Each week, I’m constantly pulled in a thousand directions as I juggle my personal life, office life and plan my show. Staying organized is essential if I want to get it all done. That’s why I’m so excited about this new tool from Google that lets you save notes, lists and reminders on the go.